[Fredslist] Apartment Available NYC

julie klein julie2k at optonline.net
Fri Jun 12 14:17:17 EDT 2009

Great apartment available from now until August 15! One person only! 
One bedroom available-price includes everything- wireless, tv, a/c, bi-weekly cleaning woman. 

Situation: I will be in town until July 8th. It's a two-bedroom, but when I leave town, you will have the place to yourself tho no access to my room. I am a NYC teacher, mid-thirties, very clean, quiet and responsible! Looking for one person to fulfiull a big chunk of this time, not a few coming and going!  

Price changes because I'll be here for part of the time. In the event that I return early, the rent would be prorated, based on the normal $2000/month expenses to run the apartment. Price from now until July 8th= $300/week July 8th to August 8th= $1400 August 8th to August 15th= $400/week.

If interested, please contact Trina at:
 <tree1126 at hotmail.com>
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