[Fredslist] Gotham Hispanic Meeting Postponed - Tuesday, January 20

Brian Weiss bweiss at ggw.com
Mon Jan 19 14:37:16 EST 2009

Hola Gotham,

Due to the excitement surrounding tomorrow's historic event and the wishes
of many to witness the inauguration live as it unfolds, we have decided to
postpone the Gotham Hispanic meeting scheduled for tomorrow at the Friar's.
We will send an email in the near future to notify Gothamites when the
meeting has been rescheduled. 

We would like to apologize to all for the lateness of this email and to
anyone who has been inconvenienced by this late change of plans.

Group Coordinator - Gotham Hispanic

Brian S. Weiss, Esq.
Garganigo, Goldsmith & Weiss
14 Penn Plaza, Suite 1020
New York, New York 10122
Phone: (212) 643-6400 ext. 121
Facsimile: (212) 643-6549
Email: bweiss at ggw.com

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