[Fredslist] Market Intelligence: Client Update Call January 22nd 4:30PM EST

Hubbard, Karen1 karen1.hubbard at smithbarney.com
Fri Jan 16 16:15:48 EST 2009

I welcome you to join a "Market Intelligence: Client Update Call" on
Thursday, January 22 at 4:30 p.m. EST with Citi Global Wealth Management
Chief Investment Officer Jeff Applegate and special guest Dr. Mohamed
El-Erian, Chief Executive Officer and co-Chief Investment Officer of

IMPORTANT: Please dial in 10 minutes prior to the start time of 4:30
p.m. as volume for the live call is expected to be high.  If for any
reason you cannot join the live call, a replay will be available at 8:30
p.m. and will remain available through Thursday, January 29.  The
dial-in for both the live and replay call can be found in the attached

Karen Hubbard
Financial Advisor

Smith Barney
855 Franklin Ave
Garden City, NY 11530
office - 516-227-2977
fax - 516-248-8630
toll free - 800-645-8600

Please visit our Team's Website: www.fa.smithbarney.com/betz_coyle

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