[Fredslist] Is anyone going to the Queens Green Business Summit?

David Marks Green Action Advocate david at greenactionadvocate.com
Wed Jan 14 20:31:47 EST 2009

Hi Gotham folks,
Is anyone going to the Queens Green Business Summit next week? It is
from 9 AM to 4 PM on Friday, Jan. 23rd at Queens College. Jack Friedman,
President of the Queens Chamber of Commerce came to our last Gotham
Green meeting. He has been instrumental in organizing the event. It
looks to be very interesting, informative, and good for business
I am coming from Englewood, NJ. If anyone wants to car pool from these
parts, please let me know. 
David L. Marks 
Green Action Advocate
david@ <mailto:david at greenactionadvocate.com> greenactionadvocate.com
c: 516-850-8508
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