[Fredslist] Date Change!!!!!!!! Marketing & Communications luncheon changed to January 22, 2009

Bambe Levine bambe at bambepr.com
Mon Jan 5 16:58:55 EST 2009

Yes, please Ride the Circuit, bring a guest, and join us at our Marketing
and Communications luncheon but for goodness sake, DO NOT JOIN US on
Thursday.  We¹ve changed our opening luncheon date to Thursday, January
22...so be at Fabio Piccolo Fiore @ 230 East 44th Street at 12:15...

Cost of luncheon for circuit riders and guests is $30.

Please let me know if you can attend!

Bambe Levine

Bambe Levine, President
Bambe Levine Public Relations
222 East 44th Street  -- 9th floor
New York, NY  10017-4328
212.490.6500 (phone)
212.370.7174 (fax)
917.991.8376 (mobile)
bambe at bambepr.com

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