[Fredslist] We Are Not Quitters

David Marks Green Action Advocate david at greenactionadvocate.com
Wed Feb 25 08:19:36 EST 2009

I agree wholeheartedly. As many of you know, I experienced the and
survived the battle of battles - cancer. During my treatment it seemed
the norm that my doctors would come to speak with me and each day would
present another life-threatening hurdle for me to overcome. I have
always been an optimistic person so my approach was to only think about
my survival. I had no other option. I believed then as I do today that I
am in this world for a reason. So I took each curve ball my doctors
threw my way and I hit it out of the ballpark. I was the Babe Ruth of
cancer patients....And believe me, there was some great pitching
happening then. I have approached life with the same resolve since then
in hopes to protect our environment and prevent others from having to
come up to bat and potentially strike out with their own battle with
cancer. I look at this economic climate (and my current unemployment) as
just another one of those curve balls - except this time we are all up
at bat at once. My point is, with a positive attitude and a heart full
of faith, we as a community, as a city, as a country and as a planet
will surely succeed.

Warm Regards All,

David L. Marks 
Green Action Advocate
david at greenactionadvocate.com
c: 516-850-8508
Linkedin Profile: www.linkedin.com/in/davidlmarks

-----Original Message-----
From: fredslist-bounces at gothamnetworking.com
[mailto:fredslist-bounces at gothamnetworking.com] On Behalf Of
fklein at legal.org
Sent: Tuesday, February 24, 2009 10:10 PM
To: Freds List
Subject: [Fredslist] We Are Not Quitters

Our President just said "We are not quitters" and it got me thinking
about the below!  God bless America! Sent from my Verizon Wireless

-----Original Message-----
From: fklein at legal.org

Date: Tue, 24 Feb 2009 13:51:52 
To: Fred Klein<fklein at legal.org>; Alex Klein<ak at designoven.com>
Subject: Still Struggling and Hustling

I recently asked someone how they were doing and he responded that he
was "still struggling and hustling" and it struck me that those words
sum up the clarion cry of our incipient economic recovery. 

Yes, struggling under the weight of what's most probably the second
"great" (what's so great about it?) Depression, but hustling to survive
with the hope it will lead to prosperity. 
No self centered "why me" belly aching, but resilient 1940 England under
siege like resolve. 

I admire that and see in it the pathway out! 
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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