[Fredslist] Friend looking for office space in Manhattan

Kevin J.Farrelly kjf at farrellylaw.com
Mon Feb 23 16:45:06 EST 2009

A good friend, Michael Alcamo, is looking for office space in Manhattan.
See description of what he requires below.  Anyone with any leads should
contact Michael directly.






Law Offices of Kevin J. Farrelly

270 Madison Avenue

Suite 1500 - 40th Street

New York, New York 10016

phone:  (212) 684-8700

fax:  (212) 686-1706

kjf at farrellylaw.com



Single office sought by sole practitioner M&A adviser to media companies.
Not in the office that much, but I am looking for 

a space of about 120 square feet for my business, with access to a
conference room once ot twice per month. Attorney by training,

generally advise sell side projects and other assignments in restructuring.
Good to have around, tidy and polite.


Budget $1000 or less, and prefer Union Square to Midtown, or nearby. 


Ready to move 2/28. Thank you. 


Michael Alcamo

mcalcamo at yahoo.com




Michael C. Alcamo
M.C. Alcamo & Co., Inc.
52 Vanderbilt Avenue - 10th Floor
New York, New York 10017
212 582 5614 
646 349 3587 fax
mcalcamo at mcalcamo.com

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