[Fredslist] Check it out: Knowledge@Wharton is on Facebook and Twitter!

Adrian Miller amiller at adrianmiller.com
Thu Feb 19 07:09:12 EST 2009

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> From: "Knowledge at Wharton" <knowledge at wharton.upenn.edu>
> Date: February 18, 2009 11:14:24 PM EST
> To: amiller at adrianmiller.com
> Subject: K at W February 18, 2009
> Reply-To: knowledge at wharton.upenn.edu
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> Feb 18 - Mar 3
> Note to Readers
> As you may have noticed, Knowledge at Wharton just launched a new  
> feature called KnowledgeToday. It features short commentary and  
> updates -- often based on news events -- and is published most  
> weekdays. You can find it at:http://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/ 
> knowledgetoday.cfm
> Moreover, Knowledge at Wharton's Facebook page has been quietly  
> gaining a following. To keep up with our activities there,  
> including FB forums and events, we invite you to become a friend at:
> http://www.facebook.com/people/Knowledge-At-Wharton/667569993
> You can also follow Knowledge at Wharton on Twitter at:http:// 
> twitter.com/knowledgwharton
> Please check out these features. We're sure you will tell us what  
> you think -- as you always do.
> -- The Knowledge at Wharton Team 
> _________________________________________________________________
> What's Hot
> Trade Wars: Will Protectionism Win out over Recovery?
> When governments around the world spend vast sums to stimulate  
> their economies, it seems only reasonable for each to invest at  
> home. Why should the American taxpayer pay for steel from Canada  
> when U.S. steelmakers are struggling? So it was hardly a surprise  
> that the $787 billion stimulus plan just signed by President Barack  
> Obama included protectionist language. But economists and political  
> leaders in the U.S., Europe and elsewhere worry that such  
> sentiments threaten free-trade principles that are crucial to any  
> global economic recovery.	
> http://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/article/2165.cfm
> Innovation and Entrepreneurship
> (Podcast with Transcript)
> Givology: Using Social Networks to Connect Education with the  
> Developing World
> Nine months ago, a group of Wharton students launched an online  
> site called Givology.org, whose purpose is to raise money for  
> scholarships and education projects in the developing world.  
> Givology's vision, according to chief development officer Catherine  
> Gao, is that of a global community of individuals connected through  
> their belief in the power of education to change people's lives.  
> The group, which so far has attracted more than 200 lenders, has  
> partnerships in China, India, Uganda, Ecuador and Kenya. Gao and  
> Maria Davydenko, the site's chief creative director, spoke with  
> Knowledge at Wharton about Givology and why they each donate more than  
> 10 hours a week to this project.	
> http://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/article/2159.cfm
> Finance and Investment
> Has the Time Come to Nationalize Struggling Banks? Yes, but Carefully
> After a generation of increasingly relaxed regulation of the  
> financial services sector, the very concept seems stunning:  
> Nationalization of banks in Europe and the United States. But with  
> many global banks still teetering on the brink of insolvency --  
> even after rescue efforts that have included multi-billion dollar  
> infusions of capital and other forms of assistance -- a different  
> view is emerging. A growing number of economists -- including, most  
> recently, Alan Greenspan -- now argue that temporary government  
> takeovers of the most deeply troubled institutions may be the only  
> remaining solution.	
> http://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/article/2166.cfm
> Innovation and Entrepreneurship
> A World Transformed: What Are the Top 30 Innovations of the Last 30  
> Years?
> Is it possible to determine which 30 innovations have changed life  
> most dramatically during the past 30 years? That is the question  
> that Nightly Business Report, the Emmy Award-winning PBS business  
> program, and Knowledge at Wharton set out to answer to celebrate NBR's  
> 30th anniversary this year. The list includes innovations from the  
> world of technology, health care, energy and even finance. Can you  
> guess which one is No. 1?	
> http://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/article/2163.cfm
> Law and Public Policy
> Katrina, 9/11, Global Recession: Moving Beyond Old Thinking about  
> New Risks
> Disasters just aren't what they used to be, according to experts at  
> a recent Wharton risk management conference titled, "The Irrational  
> Economist." Indeed, they are a lot worse. With costs adjusted for  
> inflation, all of the 20 most-costly disasters from 1970 through  
> 2007 occurred after 1987, and half came after 2001. One speaker  
> predicted "an accelerating rhythm of large-scale catastrophes" such  
> as financial crises, problems with food and energy, disease  
> pandemics, terrorism and natural disasters.	
> http://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/article/2160.cfm
> Marketing
> The Shopper of Tomorrow: Trading Down
> Attention Shoppers: We no longer have the following items -- "a  
> sense of entitlement," "conspicuous consumption" and "a golden  
> period of luxury." At least that is the word from Wharton faculty  
> and other experts who point to a new logic that is defining not  
> just what U.S. consumers buy, but how they view the shopping  
> experience.	
> http://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/article/2161.cfm
> Finance and Investment
> What's Behind the Drive for Clean Tech?
> Twenty years from now, will Americans light their homes with solar  
> power or wind? Plug their cars into an electric grid? Replace oil- 
> based petroleum with bio-fuels made from algae? Betting on which of  
> those technologies will take hold is hard enough in any  
> environment, but especially so given today's financial crisis.  
> However, this didn't stop entrepreneurs and venture capitalists at  
> the recent Wharton Entrepreneurship Conference from discussing  
> upcoming changes in the energy marketplace, the impact of the new  
> stimulus program and other energy-related issues.	
> http://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/article/2164.cfm
> Strategic Management
> 'Goals Gone Wild': How Goal Setting Can Lead to Disaster
> Despite evidence that ambitious goal setting can hurt productivity,  
> damage a company's reputation and violate ethical standards, its  
> use has become endemic in American business practice and  
> scholarship, even spilling over to the debate on how to improve  
> America's public schools. A new paper by Wharton operations and  
> information management professor Maurice E. Schweitzer and three co- 
> authors documents the hazards of corporate goal setting and  
> concludes that it is overprescribed.	
> http://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/article/2162.cfm
> _________________________________________________________________
> Articles from Around the Knowledge Network
> India Knowledge at Wharton
> Post-crash Scenarios for Commodities and 'Turbo-coupled'
> Emerging Markets
> http://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/india/article.cfm?articleid=4350
> China Knowledge at Wharton
> Does a Surge in New Lending Signal a Return to Old Troubles for
> Chinese Banks?
> http://www.knowledgeatwharton.com.cn/article/1/1991
> Universia Knowledge at Wharton
> Innovation 'Out of Necessity': Entrepreneurship during a Downturn
> http://wharton.universia.net/index.cfm? 
> fa=viewArticle&id=1664&language=english
> _________________________________________________________________
> Articles and Links from Knowledge at Wharton Sponsors
> Amwal AlKhaleej:
> "Private Equity in the Middle East:
> Assessing the Impact of the Financial and Economic Crisis"
> http://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/weblink/491.cfm
> GE Commercial Finance:
> Register for GE's Industry Research Monitors Update
> http://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/weblink/490.cfm
> HCL Technologies:
> The new disruptive force in the SAP landscape -
> Visit us today to know more.
> http://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/weblink/489.cfm
> Wharton Executive Education:
> Open Enrollment Programs
> Become the Global Leader that this moment demands at Wharton  
> Executive Education. Enroll today.
> http://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/weblink/488.cfm
> _________________________________________________________________
> Help Spread Knowledge
> Do you know people who might be interested in these research  
> studies and
> more? If you do, please forward this e-mail message to them.
> The Knowledge at Wharton Newsletter is a free service of the Wharton  
> School
> (http://www.wharton.upenn.edu/) of the University of Pennsylvania. Its
> companion web site, Knowledge at Wharton, includes full details of the
> stories listed here.
> To read these stories, go to
> http://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/
> To read Universia-Knowledge at Wharton, our Spanish/Portuguese  
> Partnership
> http://www.wharton.universia.net
> To read the Chinese Version of Knowledge at Wharton
> http://www.knowledgeatwharton.com.cn
> Sponsorship Inquiries
> Visit our media kit to find out about opportunities to sponsor  
> Knowledge at Wharton special reports, newsletters, and our site.
> http://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/media/
> Write
> Knowledge at Wharton
> The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania
> 3620 Locust Walk - Suite 202
> Philadelphia, PA 19104
>      © 2009 The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania
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"What if we train them and they leave? What if we don't train them  
and they stay?"

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