[Fredslist] Sheila Walker Hartwell

gil.elmaleh at nmfn.com gil.elmaleh at nmfn.com
Thu Feb 5 17:31:47 EST 2009



Gothamites, this is another endorsement for Sheila Walker Hartwell. It
must be her week.


I was fortunate enough to spend some one-on-one time with her today. I
found her to be unwavering in her support of her clients. Her compass
only points in one direction, "what is in the best interest of my
clients?" I must say it is refreshing to spend time with someone who is
both competent and grounded.


I highly recommend to spend some time with her. She is a breath of fresh


Best regards Gotham


Gil Elmaleh CLU, CLTC 

Northwestern Mutual Financial Network 
15 Fisher Lane 
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