[Fredslist] Diversity Luncheon Yesterday

elizmb at tiac.net elizmb at tiac.net
Wed Aug 26 02:15:28 EDT 2009

Yesterday’s Gotham Diversity Luncheon group, 8/25/09, had a special honor. 

In January, 2010, The Holocaust Memorial and Tolerance Center of Nassau County will have its Grand Opening.  Volunteers are welcome at all times.

Silvana LaFerlita Gullo, Director of Development, and Beth Lilach, Director of Education, gave a joint presentation on the Holocaust, but more than that, it was about solving the problem of discrimination and intolerance. 

Their goal is to transform Bystanders, those who do or say nothing & allow bullies to rule, into Upstanders, those who, whether overtly or covertly, buck bullies.  They present to schools, police, & attorneys, among others.

They cite people from a multitude of countries and faiths who were Upstanders during the Holocaust years and who saved Jews; non-Jews; children; in one case, an entire town was transported to a safe country; in another, someone saved 3 people.

Beth pointed out the wide variance in discrimination, bullying & genocide being the bookends of many types. She also addressed the Triangle and its 3 roles: Perpetrator; Victim; Rescuer. 

They closed with a quote by Audre Lorde:
“We must be the change we wish to see in the world.”  

As a departure from the usual format, introductions by members & guests were held after Silvana & Beth’s presentation.  It was such a powerful presentation that the introductions stalled repeatedly by a barrage of comments, questions, & experiences.  Fred gently, very gently, moved it along so we actually finished by 2, although many stayed on, and on.

It was a unique meeting,   And, perfect for our diverse “Diversity Group” was the line above the opening slide: 
“Embracing Diversity:
Lesson of the Holocaust”

Elizabeth Marner-Brooks
Training The Speaking Voice
P.O. Box 237025
NYC, NY 10023

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