[Fredslist] The Must Read Career Book

Jill Tipograph/Everything Summer jill at everythingsummer.com
Fri Aug 14 16:00:54 EDT 2009

My colleague, Tory Johnson, just released her latest career book: Fired to
Hired. This book is chock full of so many usable and real tips, along with
real stories from successful executives and entrepreneurs - that it is a
must read for anyone currently working or looking for work. Including those
who are self-employed.

This is the best investment anyone (less than $11 on Amazon) can make in
their career, http://womenforhire.com/be_gutsy/fired_to_hired#bonus.

(And I am honored to be included in the Reinvention section, p.199.)

Jill Tipograph
Everything Summer, LLC
jill at everythingsummer.com
Author of Your Everything Summer Guide & Planner

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