[Fredslist] Gotham Was There Before I Even Asked For Help

Joel Schnur joel at schnurassociates.com
Mon Aug 3 13:48:57 EDT 2009

Dear all:


I was going to send out a request along the network asking for a
recommendation for a chiropractor who takes Oxford and is located in


Lo and behold, I am seated in a podiatrist's office today when one of the
docs comes out to the waiting area, eyes me strangely and says, "Hi, Joel. I
am Jamie Bassel and we met at the Gotham Not-for-Profit Charity Luncheon.
(In these situations, I am never sure if it is the face or the yarmulke that
gives me away.) When I asked him what he does, he responded, "I am a
chiropractor and we have a bunch of physicians sharing the office space." 


And, you guessed it. He takes Oxford!


Now I am spared from having to send out a request. So Renatto on that item
that never was.


The point is that Gotham is everywhere you go.


What a network! 


Enjoy the rest of your summer.





Joel Schnur

Senior VP

Government Affairs/Public Relations

Schnur Associates, Inc.

1350 Avenue of the Americas

Suite 1200

New York, NY 10019


Tel. 212-489-0600 x204

Fax. 212-489-0203 

joel at schnurassociates.com 

www.schnurassociates.com <http://www.schnurassociates.com/>  



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