[Fredslist] Scarsdale Mom

Ken Jewell ken.jewell at kjlaw.net
Fri Apr 24 18:40:09 EDT 2009

I'm a little troubled by what I hear.  I also stand-corrected about
believing this occurred in the dark.  I also apologize for not saying what
the NY Times reported yesterday that the 12 year old ran back into the car
before the Ms. Primoff was able to drive off yet nevertheless left the 10
year old on the side of the road where a Good Samaritan bought the kid an
ice cream cone and took her to the police.  We can only imagine if Mr. Good
Samaritan was the village pervert.


While I can understand and respect the position and frustration that parents
are in under these circumstances, the fact remains that in New York (as well
as many other states), the law says that the children's interest come first.
We call it the "best interests of the child standard".  In the end, the
decision as to what to do in these situations rests on the parent dealing
with it.  However, I ask that you keep in mind that no matter how
"deserving" you believe a child is of a certain kind of punishment,
understand that the law is the law.  If you let your frustrations get the
better of you, you may find yourself needing my services or worse - one
provided by a criminal lawyer. 


And don't think that in a divorce action, that spouse who you pledged your
eternal love and devotion to is now telling his or her lawyer about how you
smacked the kid or left him or her on the side of the road the issue of your
marriage.  If child abuse services wasn't called into the picture, the
forensic evaluator appointed by the court will.  They investigate your and
your spouse's parenting styles after interviewing you, your spouse and the
kids.  Then comes the report which the judge uses the same to make a
determination as to who the more fit parent is.  You can figure on $5K for
the report.  And you can also think about how much you will be paying your
lawyer to defend all of this.  


So in the end, I ask all of you who think this is psychobabble, over-zealous
law enforcement as well as political nonsense, since we are looking at this
from the parents perspective - both male and female: Do you think venting
your frustration this way and allowing yourself to snap over two kids
fighting in the back seat worth it?  And how about the embarrassment that
Ms. Primoff has, since Sunday, and will for the foreseeable future have to
deal with?


In the end, whether we look at it from the spoiled brat's perspective or the
overburdened parent's, you may have a defense, but you sure as heck don't
have an excuse.


Ken Jewell, Esq.

The Lincoln Building

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From: fredslist-bounces at gothamnetworking.com
[mailto:fredslist-bounces at gothamnetworking.com] On Behalf Of Jill Goldstein
Sent: Friday, April 24, 2009 5:30 PM
To: fredslist at gothamnetworking.com
Subject: [Fredslist] Scarsdale Mom


It's interesting to see these comments coming from men and not having any
mothers saying anything.  Years ago this wouldn't have even been a issue.
Parents always reprimanded their children with no repercussions, now it's
the kids that are right and not the parents.  No wonder this country is
going the way it is with kids ruling the parents and not the other way
My kids are now a little older, in fact I'm a grandmother but I would never
put up with stuff while I was driving.  For 8 yrs. I would drive with my 3
kids to camp on a 3 hr drive to the mountains (we didn't have vans with all
the gadgits just plain old station wagons) and they knew if they acted out
yes they would be thrown out of the car to calm down.  I would only drive
about 100 ft and wait there but how else do you get things across to
children, that it is dangerous to drive while they are fighting and YOU the
driver could get into an accident and everyone could get hurt just because
you're trying to break up what ever is going on in the back seat.
Thanks for letting me vent from a mothers side of things.
Jill Goldstein
!mpr!nt Designs
You think it, we ink it!!

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