[Fredslist] Scarsdale Mom/Kids

Lucas Meyer lucas at 5thstreetadvisors.com
Thu Apr 23 09:18:34 EDT 2009

Hello Along The Network:


Usually, I don't get involved in such matters, but in this case I feel
compelled to.


Undoubtedly, many of you have read about the Scarsdale mother who
"chucked" her kids out of her car, was arrested by the White Plains
police for child endangerment, and has had 24/7 reporters camping out in
front of her house ever since.  She also had her children temporarily
removed from her home.


Her name is Madlyn Primoff, and while I don't personally know her, my
wife does, and says she's a very respectable lady, a good mother and an
excellent citizen.  The media hoopla surrounding this incident has been
a horror for her and her family, and this hard-working lady has been the
subject of endless conjecture, smears and ignominy.  


Fortunately, neighbors and fellow village residents have been
supportive; who among us who are parents haven't wanted to kick
squabbling children out of our cars?  I know that I stopped more than
once and ordered my misbehaving son out (he never did leave the vehicle,
but you get the idea).  


With so many other far-more-important stories and news items in the
world, it boggles my mind that there's so much ado about nothing.


My older, high school-age daughter wants to get the football team to go
over to the house and stare the reporters down!  


Lucas J. Meyer

5th Street Advisors, LLC

34 5th Street

Stamford, CT  06905

lucas at 5thstreetadvisors.com <mailto:lucas at 5thstreetadvisors.com> 

voice:  203 327-1212

fax:  646 349-3058









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