[Fredslist] You missed a great SOLO meeting…

Gil Effron gil at strategiesforgrowth.net
Tue Apr 21 08:09:01 EDT 2009

Gotham, you missed a great SOLO meeting yesterday… and an outstanding  
presentation by our special guest Anna Lieber, founder and president  
of Lieber Brewster.

Anna spoke about branding –– one of her primary areas of marketing  
expertise. She explained that a brand is a vital part of marketing and  
that our marketing should continuously express our brand.

She pointed out that a brand is not a logo… and it’s not something you  
say about yourself. It’s what others see in you and say about you:  
your “promise” that expresses ideas such as reliable, trustworthy, and  
integrity –– but without saying those words.

Anna went on to explain that in developing a brand, you should ask  
yourself “who am I, and why should people care?” The goal is to be  
seen by your market as extremely special or unique. Then, once you  
have your brand, express it with clarity and consistency everywhere ––  
within all of your marketing and general communications.

According to Anna, with a brand –– as well as with your overall  
marketing –– reaching out to a narrow market segment is far better  
than trying to be all things to all people. “The more targeted you can  
be, the more effective your marketing, the greater your brand will be  
understood, accepted, and appreciated,” Anna said.

Often, business owners are too close to their businesses to create  
their own brand. That’s why Anna recommends it’s wise to seek the  
assistance of a branding professional.

Anna, thanks for joining us… and thanks especially for clarifying so  
many of the fine points of branding.

Don’t miss the next Gotham SOLO… on Monday, June 15. Our guest  
speakers and their topic are equally as timely and relevant as Anna’s.  
Watch Fred’s List for additional information.

Gotham SOLO is open to all business owners or professionals who work  
without employees (or very few employees).

Gil Effron
Strategies For Growth
305 Madison Avenue, Suite 449
New York, NY 10165

gil at strategiesforgrowth.net
800-226-2428 or 347-920-3272
Mobile: 914-414-9245

Don't Just WATCH THE GAP, Eliminate It!


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