[Fredslist] Wanted: 2 Yankee TIX for Friday April 17th Game

Brian J. Newman BNewman at kostin.com
Tue Apr 14 09:22:21 EDT 2009

Please let me know if you have 2 seats you are looking to sell for this Friday's game.  Thanks.

Brian J. Newman
Member of the Firm
Kostin, Ruffkess & Company, LLC
76 Batterson Park Road
Farmington, CT 06032

860-678-6009 Phone
860-678-6209 Fax
860-478-6360 Cell


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Any U.S. tax advice contained in this communication (including attachments) was not written to be used for and cannot be used for (i) purposes of avoiding any tax related penalties that may be imposed under Federal tax laws, or (ii) the promotion, marketing or recommending to another party of any transaction or matter addressed herein.
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