Allen, Dorothy DALLEN at elliman.com
Thu Apr 9 10:48:34 EDT 2009

Dear Gotham


To let you know about the work of UNIFEM dedicated to ending violence
against women and girls

I am on the Board of the Metro chapter

If you are interested in coming to this event on April 14th you may
email me


Best wishes to all on Passover and Easter!!!


Dorothy Allen 

dallen at elliman.com









From: Leslie Wright [mailto:ngowork-unifem at yahoo.com] 
Sent: Thursday, April 09, 2009 8:32 AM
To: Jenny L Lah; Hannah Alexander; Marie Bresnahan; Dina Ciarmatori2;
Nakisha Evans; Joyce Hoggard; Rebecca Mattila; P.Santos; Wendy Paladini;
Sherrise Palomino; Astrid Paniagua; Linda Porto; Brigitte Rajacic; Laura
Stephens; Rachel Velasco; ANUSHKA WIRASINHA; Allen, Dorothy; Juanita
Bobbitt; Kathleen M Connor; Dowoti Desir; Sybil Evans; Nancy Frohlich;
Neale Godfrey; Marcia Goffin; Shari Gruber; Suzanne Harvey; Margaret
Howard; Marilyn Lasker; Norma Levitt; Marcia McBroom; Denise McLeod;
Andrea Mills; ngowork-unifem at yahoo.com; Barbara Pace; Lila Prounis;
Grace Richardson; Marianne Balasz Scheidt; Malaak Shabazz; Jackie
Shapiro; Greer St John; Linda Stillman; Janet Stovin; Mary Wolf; Ruth
Cc: Eva Richter
Subject: Reminder: April 14th


Please send this information to all of your networks and try to attend
with a guest if possible.  We very likely will have guests from the
Missions involved in passing the recent GA resolution at the UN.  RSVP


UNIFEM/ United States National Committee

                        Metropolitan New York Chapter



We cordially invite you to attend our April 14th meeting.



 Half the World Deserves a Whole Voice:

		Empowering Migrant Women to Realize their Rights


Over 185 million people, 1 in 35, are migrants. Moreover, women make up
as much as 80% of the migrant workers in some countries. Migrant labor
contributes substantially to the economics of both their country of
origin and the country in which they live.  Yet, migration policies and
practices often fail to protect the basic human rights of migrants, and
migrant women and girls in particular are vulnerable to gender-based
violence and abuse.




Socorro Reyes - Chief of UNIFEM Asia-Pacific Region


Representatives from the UN Missions of the Philippines and Mexico -


Eva Richter - CONGO NGO Committee on Migration


Leslie Wright - President, UNIFEM/ USNC Metropolitan New York Chapter



Tuesday, April 14, 2009

United Nations Church Center

777 UN Plaza (44th Street and 1st Avenue) 2nd floor

5:30-6 PM- Registration and Networking

6 -8 PM- Program


Complimentary iced tea, courtesy of Inko's White Tea.


                                      Please bring a guest


To make a reservation contact Sybil Evans, sevansny at aol.com

by Friday April 10th, or call Sybil at 212 697 0974.


Leslie Wright


135 Eastern Parkway Suite 6F

Brooklyn NY 11238

917 348 0281


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