[Fredslist] Miami Property

JADLER115 at aol.com JADLER115 at aol.com
Mon Apr 6 12:52:30 EDT 2009

If someone knows a person or company who might be interested in the  
following have them contact me.  The incentive was just too good not to  pass on to 
fellow Gothamites....
Subject: $20,000.00 bonus on this lux rental

Engel Properties,  has a commercial listing with the onsite broker at 900 
Biscayne.  To in  cent a rental of this 2,000 sq. ft office space,  Engel 
Properties is  offering the introducing broker a bonus. 

900 Biscayne
(unit 601 --  Costar listing #6328634)
This is a super lux building.  The unit has 180  degree views facing east 
across Biscayne bay.


The  bonus is structured as follows:

1) Introduce the tenant which goes to  contract with checks in the month of 
April '09 and receive, in addition to the  usual and customary commissions*, a 
bonus of $20,000.00.
[Do so in the month  of May '09 and the bonus reduces by $5k (to $15,000.00) 
and each month  thereafter.     i.e.: June bonus = $10,000.00.]

2) You  must introduce the principle to Mr. Engel or his associate, myself, 
prior to  introducing to the onsite broker.
This email is the  preferred method of registering clients for bonus 
consideration. Put in  "subject" of your reply: 900 Biscayne

If you have any questions you  may email them to me at this address. FYI: 
Asking for $42/sq ft. rent. There is  an asking of $2M for sale.

Thank you and good luck.
Janet Adler

Janet  Adler Realty, Ltd

1 212 427 3809
1 917 834  2246

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