[Fredslist] Spring cleaning ... Donations available ....

Susan Spelman ss at spelmanstrategic.com
Thu Apr 2 15:47:16 EDT 2009

Gotham ....

Have unearthed a substantial collection of office supplies ....  
Pendaflex folders, regular  folders, plastic folders/sleeves,  
looseleaf binders, padded envelops, pencils, markers, a few  
cases.  ....  I'll have counts in a few days ....  3 boxes, or so.

If anyone knows a non-profit that could use these materials and can  
pick them up .... it would be a win-win!

In advance, thank you one and all.


Susan Spelman

Spelman Strategic Communications

voice	212 475.3653
cell		646 554.6828

ss at spelmanstrategic.com


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