[Fredslist] Looking for Private Room at Manhattan Restaurant for a Small Wedding Party

Mitchell D. Bernstein MBernstein at MOSESSINGER.COM
Mon Sep 29 13:47:49 EDT 2008

Hi Gothamites!
A good friend of mine from out of town is getting married in NYC in
November and is looking for an elegant restaurant where he and his
fiance can have a smallish wedding dinner (probably about 25 people).
They would prefer someplace "close" to Central Park (where the ceremony
will take place) although it does not have to be walking distance.
Also, since both bride and groom are vegetarians, no steak houses
Thanks in advance.
Mitch Bernstein
(a member of Gotham Syracuse University)
Direct: 212.554.7868
Moses & Singer LLP
The Chrysler Building
405 Lexington Avenue, 12th Floor
New York, New York 10174-1299
Tel. 212-554-7800
Fax 212-554-7700
website: http://www.mosessinger.com
bio: http://www.mosessinger.com/mbernstein/
MSI website: http://www.msiglobal.org

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