[Fredslist] Cure needed for wet wall.

Siegel, RitaSue ritasue at ritasue.com
Tue Sep 23 21:50:28 EDT 2008

I need a recommendation of a consultant who will come to my mother's apartment and evaluate what still needs to be done to ensure that moisture is not going to continue to keep seeping through a wall in her apartment.  This saga began when there was the equivalent of a small waterfall coming down on one wall.  The ceiling nearly fell in completely.  The building management claims to have found the source of the leak and fixed it but the moisture continues to come through the wall, now in the form of ellipses.


My mother died in April 2008 and I want to sell the apartment. I cannot do that until this matter is cleared up.


Please recommend someone I can call who specializes in analyzing and curing such problems and who has a license of some kind so the building management will take notice that they have to do a better job-and this person should be able to recommend how to go about the cure or be hired by them to do it.  


The building management has not been cooperative.  The ceiling and one wall in a ½ bath on the other side of this wall was also damaged.  The building management first said it was the fault of the shareholder above, and that we should go to my mother's or that woman's insurance company for compensation.  The building has been undergoing a pointing job for about a year.  I am afraid this is a condition ripe for mold.


Thanks in advance for your recommendations,




RitaSue Siegel | President | ritasue at ritasue.com 

RitaSue Siegel Resources, an Aquent company | www.ritasue.com <http://www.ritasue.com/> 

162 Fifth Avenue | New York, NY | 10010 | T + 212 682 2100 


Download the 2008 version of Getting a Design Job at www.ritasue.com/book


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