COREMBO at aol.com COREMBO at aol.com
Thu Sep 18 21:22:47 EDT 2008

Dear  Gotham,
A  valued friend and client, Siew Tuan Chew, is in the Regional and 
Sustainable  Development Dept. at Asia Development Bank in Manila, and seeks contacts 
in  New York that share her deep desire to work on projects deemed to be 
socially  conscious.  Siew Tuan would be an ideal fit with Gotham Green and any  
number of other Gothamites who have contacts at large foundations, e.g.,  
Rockefeller or Robin Hood..
Siew  Tuan will be in New York from Tuesday, September 30 through Friday, 
October 3,  and would welcome a meeting with interested Gothamites.
Please  see below an excerpt from Siew Tuan's recent e-mail to me: 
I  am doing a new project here called social stock exchange, and that is why 
it  would be interesting to check out who among your Gotham contacts know 
about such. Put simply it about  connecting charity donations and "social 
investors" looking for do-good  investments, through the exchange, with social 
enterpreneurs engaged in business  services that meet the needs of poor communities. 
Analogous to setting up a pro-  environment funding mechanism to encourage 
"green" investments and  investors. 
Please  feel free to contact me or Siew Tuan directly (e-mail address in Cc  
Thank  you!
JIM  TAIBLESON--917-494-4391

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