[Fredslist] Fwd: Knowledge at Wharton

Adrian Miller amiller at adrianmiller.com
Thu Sep 18 06:49:47 EDT 2008


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> Homepage
> Sep 17 - Sep 30
> Wall Street's Day of Reckoning: What's Next?
> Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, Lehman Brothers, Merrill Lynch, AIG:  
> Given the gravity of the current financial crisis on Wall Street  
> and its impact on global markets, Knowledge at Wharton is devoting  
> this issue to the views of Wharton faculty and other experts on the  
> origin of the crisis, what it might take for the economy to right  
> itself, and what investors and consumers can expect in the coming  
> weeks.
> _________________________________________________________________
> Finance and Investment
> Will the Levee Break? An Ocean of Bad Debt Rises despite Fed Rescues
> The rescues, bankruptcies and dizzying write-downs for Fannie Mae,  
> Freddie Mac, Lehman Brothers, Merrill Lynch, AIG and other giants  
> of international finance signal a reckoning for Wall Street wizards  
> who engineered the ongoing credit crisis with opaque securities  
> based on risky subprime home loans and the assumption that housing  
> prices would never decline, according to a panel of Wharton  
> professors. The flood of bad debt, they add, won't subside anytime  
> soon.	
> http://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/article/2050.cfm
> Finance and Investment
> (Videocast)
> Wharton Faculty Debate the Impact of the Financial Crisis
> In a roundtable discussion on the fallout from a week of turmoil on  
> Wall Street, Wharton professors Richard Herring, Susan Wachter and  
> Franklin Allen discussed the ripple effect of the crisis across  
> U.S. and global markets.  They also speculated on the AIG bailout,  
> which was announced shortly after this video was recorded on  
> September 16.	
> http://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/
> Finance and Investment
> (Podcast with Transcript)
> Jeremy Siegel on the Market: Rough Going for Now, but Stocks Still  
> a Good Bet
> The government's rescue of Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and AIG  
> demonstrated clearly that the financial turmoil continues on Wall  
> Street. In an interview with Knowledge at Wharton, Wharton finance  
> professor Jeremy Siegel says there are some positive signals in  
> stocks and corporate earnings, but that it's too soon to conclude  
> the market has hit bottom. Siegel also talked about inflation and  
> commodities.	
> http://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/article/2052.cfm
> Finance and Investment
> (Article with Additional Videocast)
> After the Bailout: How Can the Fed Clean Up the Fannie and Freddie  
> Mess?
> The government's refusal to save Lehman Brothers begs a question:  
> Why did it step in only a week earlier to risk up to $200 billion  
> in taxpayer money to shore up mortgage giants Fannie Mae and  
> Freddie Mac? Wharton faculty say the government made the right move  
> -- and offer suggestions for the next step.	
> http://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/article/2046.cfm
> Insurance and Pensions
> (Podcast)
> AIG Rescued: Was an $85 Billion Loan the Right Answer?
> After refusing to bail out Lehman Brothers, the government agreed  
> to an $85 billion loan to insurance giant AIG, effectively taking  
> over the company. Knowledge at Wharton talked to Wharton insurance  
> professors Olivia Mitchell and Kent Smetters to find out how the  
> world's largest insurer got into this situation and how it can be  
> prevented from happening again.	
> http://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/article/2051.cfm
> Leadership and Change
> Eyes on the Wrong Prize: Leadership Lapses That Fueled Wall  
> Street's Fall
> Executives at AIG, Bear Stearns, Lehman Brothers, Fannie Mae and  
> Freddie Mac may have ignored or failed to see the level of risk  
> their companies were taking on in a crusade to enhance results and  
> their own compensation, according to Wharton faculty and industry  
> analysts. In some cases, the management crisis was fueled by  
> managers simply choosing not to lead.	
> http://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/article/2048.cfm
> Finance and Investment
> Note to Investors: Don't Play Games with Asset Allocation
> Big market downturns and jarring volatility have left small  
> investors feeling whipsawed -- and nervous. But it would be a  
> mistake to abandon classic long-term personal finance principles in  
> the face of recent challenges. The 60% stocks, 30% bonds and 10%  
> cash approach remains the best strategy. Wharton finance professors  
> Jeremy Siegel, Richard Marston and Franklin Allen explain why.	
> http://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/article/2049.cfm
> _________________________________________________________________
> Election 2008
> (Article with Additional Videocast)
> Linking Commerce to Geopolitics: The Candidates' Views on Global Trade
> With global financial markets in turmoil, trade will most likely be  
> an urgent concern for the next president. As part of  
> Knowledge at Wharton's ongoing coverage of the upcoming November  
> election, we examine the candidates' views on trade issues. So far,  
> both Republican John McCain and Democrat Barack Obama have tended  
> to follow predictable party lines: McCain is a supporter of free  
> trade and would back additional multilateral trade pacts, while  
> Obama urges a reexamination of trade agreements and their effect on  
> the environment and U.S. workers.	
> http://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/article/2047.cfm
> _________________________________________________________________
> Articles and Links from Knowledge at Wharton Sponsors
> Cisco Systems, Inc.:
> Europe's New Age Innovations
> Cisco President of European Markets, Chris Dedicoat, discusses  
> Europe's new age innovation - one in which greater productivity and  
> innovation will help keep the region competitive for years to come.
> http://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/weblink/445.cfm
> GE Commercial Finance:
> September CapitaLens eNewsletter - Topics and Updates on Leveraged  
> Finance
> http://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/weblink/444.cfm
> Knowledge at Wharton Forum:
> Real Estate in Emerging Markets
> Investors, developers and planners are invited to discuss  
> opportunities in emerging markets, while hearing from leading  
> experts in real estate investments. Join us on December 2, 2008,  
> for this inaugural event.
> http://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/weblink/447.cfm
> Wharton Executive Education:
> Leadership Development Programs
> Gain new insights and business knowledge to transform your  
> challenges to leadership strengths. Apply today.
> http://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/weblink/446.cfm
> Wipro Technologies:
> Survey: Business Process Outsourcing, Part Two
> Wipro Technologies and Knowledge at Wharton are conducting a survey on  
> how companies prefer to source business processes from outside  
> providers. Please take a few minutes to respond.
> http://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/weblink/448.cfm
> World Finance & Economy Summit:
> Attend the World Finance & Economy Summit, October 16, 2008
> Join Alan Greenspan, Wharton Finance Professor, Jeremy Siegel, and  
> other economic icons as they discuss the future of the economy.  
> Please reference code WHARTON for a discounted registration rate.
> http://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/weblink/441.cfm
> _________________________________________________________________
> Help Spread Knowledge
> Do you know people who might be interested in these research  
> studies and
> more? If you do, please forward this e-mail message to them.
> The Knowledge at Wharton Newsletter is a free service of the Wharton  
> School
> (http://www.wharton.upenn.edu/) of the University of Pennsylvania. Its
> companion web site, Knowledge at Wharton, includes full details of the
> stories listed here.
> To read these stories, go to
> http://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/
> To read Universia-Knowledge at Wharton, our Spanish/Portuguese  
> Partnership
> http://www.wharton.universia.net
> To read the Chinese Version of Knowledge at Wharton
> http://www.knowledgeatwharton.com.cn
> To comment on these stories, go to:
> http://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/feedback.cfm
> To unsubscribe from this newsletter, visit:
> http://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/unsubscribe.cfm
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> Knowledge at Wharton special reports, newsletters, and our site.
> http://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/media/
> Write
> Knowledge at Wharton
> The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania
> 3620 Locust Walk - Suite 202
> Philadelphia, PA 19104
>      © 2007 The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania
> This email was delivered to the following address:  
> amiller at adrianmiller.com

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