[Fredslist] Seeking caring Board members for PSA charity

Anne Bonfiglio abonfiglio at psapartnership.org
Tue Sep 16 20:51:37 EDT 2008

As most of you know, I am the Executive Director of a charity that  
helps underprivileged high school students find and follow a career,  
through skill and aptitude testing, coaching and interning.

The Partnership for Student Advancement is working in the H.S. of  
Leadership and Public service presently and wants to expand.

I find it personally rewarding to help others, especially young  
people, who can benefit from experience.

You can visit the web site to learn more: www.psapartnership.org

If you think you might be interested, I invite you to have coffee with  
me to discuss the possibilities.

Thank you for listening.

Best Regards,
Anne Bonfiglio
Exec. Dir./PSA
10 Park Ave 7H
New York, N.Y. 10016
212 684 0281

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