[Fredslist] Free presentation skills seminar

Mike Landrum mike at coachmike.com
Mon Sep 15 14:38:30 EDT 2008

Gothamites - 

If PowerPoint is the best way to persuade an audience, then why don't the Presidential candidates use it?  

Ever wonder that?

If your business depends on persuading groups of people, then you will benefit from our first Gotham seminar of the season on Thursday, September 25, at 9 a.m. in Fred Klein's conference room.  Speaker, actor, writer, trainer and resident expert on audience arts, Mike Landrum will host a session on making the most of your presentation.  

You'll learn how to turn PowerPoint from a liability into an asset.  It will be a 60 minute talk and 30 minutes of Q&A.  Plus pastry.

It's not a huge space and it's filling fast.  Pretty soon we'll open it up to non-Gothamites because we have to fill the room or cancel.  So, now's your chance to sign up while there is still a place for you to sit.  

E-mail Mike and tell him to reserve a space for you - Mike at CoachMike.com -

Or call 917-647-7893 and tell him you'd like to volunteer for a free assessment of your slides and a coaching session.  Raj Goel did and then put this post on Fredslist:

    Fellow Gothamites,

       Yesterday, I spent an hour with Mike Landrum as he reviewed and critiqued my presentations.

       After 7 years of presenting in public, I thought I knew what I was doing.  

      With a few SIMPLE changes, Mike transformed my presentations.

       Made them everything I knew I needed, but didn't know how:

    - Punchier
    - Livelier
    - Succint

      I can't say enough good things about Mike's approach to training & coaching.

      On September 25, 9 a.m. Mike is presenting a FREE SEMINAR in Fred's office.

      If you present regularly and want to get better, or you're just starting out, do yourself a favor and attend.

      Or hire Mike - his fees are reasonable and the value/$ is exceptional.

    Rajesh Goel, CISSP
    cell (917) 685-7731
    CTO: Brainlink International, Inc.
    "IT Crisis Management and Solutions"
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