[Fredslist] A personal success story Re: Scott M Klein

Josephine Rotolo josephinerotolo at gmail.com
Thu Sep 11 11:32:38 EDT 2008

Cynthia - I could not agree more! I'd like to add some kind words about
Scott Klein...

Scott has been a  wonderful mentor to me since the day I met him.

My brother did some work for his Dad's company awhile back. Scott's Dad got
wind that I was applying to Syracuse University. Scott contacted me and was
nice enough to answer my questions, take me to Perkin's for breakfast which
was such a treat (I can still taste those home fries!) and most importantly
- offer me guidance and support during my four years.

If there's one word to describe Scott - it's "SELF-LESS" (I think that's a

With a family, a busy job and a multitude of activities and interests on his
plate - he makes everyone he comes in contact with feel special and

I thank Scott for bringing me into the GOTHAM family - it's been an absolute

Thank you Scott for all you do every day!

On 9/9/08, Cynthia Somma <cssomma at yahoo.com> wrote:
>   Gotham member waved their wand...AGAIN!
> Just wanted to share a personal story about Scott Klein.
> I met Scott a while back when our group, Gotham Healthcare, was formed.
> At the end of the 2007, I was in dire need of setting up an SEP account for
> myself (otherwise I would be dealing with MAJOR tax expenses). Scott and
> Vincent of Stifel Nicolaus help put that deal together in record time.
> Over time, I contacted Scott for advice and quickly knew he would be my
> Gotham mentor.
> A couple of weeks ago, I contacted Scott about helping me to decide what
> my 13 year-old son could volunteer for (a requirement for making his
> Confirmation next year). I wanted this volunteer mission to be more
> than just a one-shot deal. Scott asked what Steven likes to do. The kid
> lives, eats and breathes soccer -- 24/7.
> In less than 24 hours, Scott had arranged for Steven to volunteer at
> Hofstra's soccer practices - at the same location where the Jets used to
> practice!  Scott had contacted the coach via email and we were set. Scotteven offered to take Steven to and from the practices, should the need
> arise. On Saturday, Scott met us there and we got to meet his gorgeous son
> Michael.
> The story gets better.....The coach happens to be an outstanding human
> being.  He gave Steven a ball signed by the entire team, offered his school
> or travel team the ability to play during a game at half-time,  offered
> Steven the job of ball-boy for all games, and he allowed him to "ref" on
> some of the action during practice (I especially loved this part)---- it
> puts Steven in "shoes" that he's never been in.....
> The coach is also involved in a camp that teaches handicapped children how
> to play soccer; Steven will now be a volunteer for that organization too.
> I owe all of this to Scott -- whom I would never have known if it were not
> for Gotham.
> The mantra is so very true....I will add...
> Helping a child is where it all begins.....
> Cindy
> Cynthia Somma, CPC, CMM
> *Physicians 1st Reimbursement Svcs, LLC*
> 584 Ardsley Blvd S
> Garden City, NY  11530
> 516-292-2027 x101
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