[Fredslist] 10/28 INVITATION: How to Cut Group Health Costs Dramatically for Attorneys and CPAS. Date correction

Kelly Welles kelly at wellesfinancialservices.com
Wed Oct 22 13:12:37 EDT 2008

Sorry...yesterday's announcement said 9/28. Correct date is 10/28.
  Dear Gotham Attorneys & Cpas:
  Meet the experts. Don't miss this special one-time seminar Wed. 10/28, 8 to 10 AM at the Friars Club (Invite below) to learn how to dramatically cut group health costs w/major carriers without compromising benefits - whether for your own company or for your clients. We regularly save clients a minimum 10 to 20%. This plan will solve your insurance concerns for the next three to five years. RSVP to Naima Ansari at 212-867-7730 or Naima at prbinc.com.

Kelly Welles LUTCF (Gotham Diversity Co-chair)
  Price Raffel & Browne, LLC
  Trusted Advisors to Accounting and Law Firms
  475 Park Avenue So.
  NY, NY 10016
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              A Panel Discussion on: 

    Making Dramatic Cuts 

    to Health Insurance Premiums... 


    Reduce your Clients' Costs NOW!



  Meet Our Expert Panel
              Daniel R. Nessim        Stephen Louro       Mark Harper
            A & C Management         PGP Benefits              Ameriflex
          President                              President                                    Management


                                                    Discussion Topics
   An explanation of the growing HSA and HRA Concepts offered by major carriers.  
   Introduction to The EPC cost sharing concept.  
   How to reduce your clients premium costs by utilizing these important new concepts.   
   How we can help you enhance relationships with your clients and create revenue for yourself and your firm.  
   Solving the Health Insurance Premium problem for the next 3-5 years, not just the next year.  
   Renewal dates do not have to restrict reductions in premium costs.
This session is specifically designed for CPAs and Attorneys
  Sponsored by: 
  proBenefits ALLIANCE 

  in conjunction with 


  A & C Management
Please Join Us Wednesday, October 29, 2008  

The Friars Club
  57 East 55th Street  
New York, NY 10022  

8:30am Continental Breakfast 
8:45am - 10:15am Interactive Panel Discussion 
10:15am - 10:30am Closing Remarks 

R.S.V.P. to Naima Ansari  
    nansari at prbinc.com or 212-867-7730




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Optimizing Personal Financial Assets
Kelly Welles, Managing Director
(917)626 8590
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