[Fredslist] Ride The Circuit Marketing & Communications Luncheon on Thurs. October 23rd New Place/Great Food

Bambe Levine bambe at bambepr.com
Mon Oct 20 14:44:32 EDT 2008

Gotham¹s Marketing & Communications Group

  invites you Ride the Circuit with Us on

  Thursday, October 23 at a new place

  Please join us at

Nino¹s Positano
890 Second Avenue
  (Between 47th and 48th St)

  A new venture into the culinary world of Manhattan

  I will be taking the Spotlight...

  Looking forward to seeing you all next Thursday

  Please feel free to brings guests (if there might be a conflict, kindly
check with me)

  Guests can pay online at:

Please get back to me ASAP with a yea or nay

  Bambe Levine
  bambe at bambepr.com


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