[Fredslist] Newsday Back Story

Fred Klein fklein at legal.org
Thu Oct 16 09:26:29 EDT 2008

My father used to preach that "you can't get ahead laying in bed with the covers over your head" and this story proves his theorem. Remember the Gotham Swim team?  We swam Oyster Bay on July 19th. Well, before the swim Gothamite Robert Arnold Jr. came up to me and introduced me to Newsday's Christina Hernandez who was covering the Red Cross blood drive event. Networking being what it is, we made a connection and, under deadline pressure, Christina, remembering my mention of Fredslist, asked me to cast about for an "undecided" voter and Ester was the first responder and now she is famous (see today's Newsday). Two degrees of seperation?  Way to go Robert, Christina,  Ester and Dad!
Sent via BlackBerry from EarthLink Wireless.

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