[Fredslist] Gotham Profile-Gail Koelln

Fred Klein fklein at kleinzelman.com
Tue Oct 14 14:31:51 EDT 2008

What do you do with a classy, but unassuming Gotham member who, in a
visionary moment, starts a fabulous new Gotham group and then steadfastly
remains as unassuming as ever?  I refer to Gail Koelln, Co-Chair of GOtham

By the way, when she’s not saving the world with her fellow GOtham Green
members, Gail is an excellent Grant Writing Consultant who regularly helps
a number of arts and environmental nonprofit organizations raise funds.  So
even when she’s not leading a GOtham Green meeting, she’s still striving to
save the world!

I keep telling her to “Inhale her power” and even though she has bossed me
around once or twice at a meeting, she remains stubbornly nice and even
tempered to this day.  I don’t know what to do with her!  Despite her
self-sacrifice creating and chairing GOtham Green (and even inspiring a
couple of spin-offs, GOtham Green Connecticut and Gotham Princeton, another
green group in disguise), she quietly goes her merry way juggling the
demands of consultant, mom, wife, concerned citizen and volunteer.

Personally, I think she’d make a great “green” consultant and speaker,
don’t you?  She already does just that at each GOtham Green meeting.  Give
that some thought, Gail…

Well, please, Gothamites and blog readers out there, please send your
comments to make this woman see the light about how to take her vision and
power and RUN with it!!!  You see, these tough economic times have a huge
impact on nonprofit fund raising and, therefore, fund raising consultants
as well.  Gail asked me for advice on how to cope with her first economic
downturn as a consultant and I’m turning this question to all of you out
there as well.  What advice do you have for Gail and other Gotham
consultants who are anxious about future prospects?  How do you run with
YOUR power?  Let’s support our fellow Gotham members who are feeling
anxious at this difficult time!

Fred C. Klein
Klein Zelman Rothermel LLP
485 Madison Avenue, 15th Floor
New York, NY 10022
(212) 935-6020
fklein at legal.org
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