[Fredslist] (PROMO) Small Business Mastermind Group Opening

Rick Raymond rickraymond at executiveleadershiptraining.info
Thu Oct 9 18:04:45 EDT 2008

The Small Business Advisory Team is a mastermind group of independent  
professionals and small business owners meeting monthly to share  
knowledge and experience as well as to help each other achieve their  
businesses and professional goals.

Whether you are a 1, 2 or 10-person firm, you may feel that you are  
peddling as hard as you can but not going any faster, or that you  
business is running you rather than you are running your business.   
The techniques and strategies, which got you to your current level of  
success, no longer seem to be working.

The good news, however is that you are not alone, nor do you have to  
do it alone.  As a matter of fact, nearly every great achievement or  
massive fortune in history has been the product of a team of minds  
united in achieving the same, pre-defined goal.

The concept of the Mastermind Group was formally introduced by  
Napoleon Hill in the early 1900’s. In his timeless classic, “Think and  
Grow Rich” he was the first to summarize, consolidate and document the  
organizing principles (distinctions of success) of the most powerful,  
influential and financially successful people of that era. Andrew  
Carnegie worked with a mastermind group, as well as did Thomas  
Jefferson, Harvey Firestone, and Henry Ford. The American Declaration  
of Independence was the result of a Mastermind Group, so was man's  
first powered flight, as well as man's first flight into space and  
subsequently the moon. The Mastermind principle is simply stated as  
"No two minds ever come together without creating a third, invisible,  
intangible force which may be likened to a third mind".

The Small Business Advisory Team I is an existing mastermind group of  
small business owners eager to grow their business and learn from the  
experience of others.  The group operates ideally with 6-8 business  
leaders and there are openings in the current group of 2-3  
individuals.  The ideal participant is dedicated to success, wants to  
expand their knowledge and accepts advice, is willing to invest in him  
or herself, and is committed to mutually supportive relationships.

Groups are balanced with respect to business size, and there is only  
one person from each professional area.  To learn more about the  
current group or forming groups call me at 212-777-0083 or email: rickraymond at executiveleadershiptraining.info 

Richard Raymond Associates, Inc.
The Small Business Growth & Development System
Helping Small Business Owners Build Equity
New York, NY • 212-777-0083

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