[Fredslist] Holiday Music SAT. DEC. 13 - Riverside Choral Society

IrisWolinsky at aol.com IrisWolinsky at aol.com
Wed Nov 19 23:59:59 EST 2008

Hello Gothamites -
  Many of you know I sing with the wonderful Riverside Choral  Society.  
Please scroll down for details re our upcoming holiday  concert, O Magnum 
Mysterium,  Sat. 12/13/08  - 8pm  -  Broadway & 71 St. on the UWS.  You'll see our  
music listed (mostly - a couple of items added) - a varietal of wonderful  
pieces in several languages and styles.  Your kids will enjoy  this too!    
  For tickets please give me an email heads up and a check in the  mail 
specifying no. of tickets in each category you want ($20 or $30) and I'll  have 
them waiting at the door.  Prices at door are $5 more.  
  And save the date for our Spring concert of Verdi Requiem  on April 23, 
2009 at Alice Tully Hall.

Iris Wolinsky
Attorney Arbitrator Mediator
227 Riverside  Drive
New York, NY 10025
(212) 865-0505 Tel & Fax
(917) 716-7690  Cell
iriswolinsky at aol.com

    2008 -  2009
Concert Season
Patrick Gardner, Director  
 (mailto:webmaster at riversidechoral.org)   
O Magnum Mysterium
Tickets: $20 & $30
_Purchase  tickets Now_ 

Verdi - Requiem
_Elizabeth  Blancke-Biggs,_ (http://www.elizabethblancke-biggs.com/)  soprano

_Eugenie  Grunewald,_ (http://www.eugeniegrunewald.com/bio.htm)   
_Rodrigo  García Arroyo_ 
(http://riversidechoral.org/documents/Performers/Arroyo.shtm) ,  tenor
_Eduardo  Chama,  _ (http://www.herbertbarrett.com/artist.php?id=echama) 

Patrick Gardner, conductor
Alice Tully Hall, Lincoln Center
April 23,  2009
Tickets: $25, $45, & $75
_Purchase  tickets now_ 
For information on our exciting concert season, please see  our _Upcoming  
Concerts Page_ (http://www.riversidechoral.org/upcoming.shtm) .

Experienced singers are encouraged to audition.  If you are interested in 
being part of the Riverside Choral Society's  2008-2009 season, please see our 
_audition  page_ (http://riversidechoral.org/auditions.shtm) .


The Riverside Choral Society, entering its 28th  season, is a vital presence 
in the cultural life of New York City. Under  the baton of director Patrick 
Gardner, the group has performed major works  by Beethoven, Bruckner, Brahms, 
Mozart, Schubert, Haydn, Britten, Pärt,  Fauré, Orff, Stravinsky, Berlioz, and 
many others in New York City's most  exciting performance venues. 

Riverside Choral Society 
2576  Broadway # 548
New York, New York 10025 
Telephone:  212-780-2181
E-mail: webmaster at riversidechoral.org_ (mailto:webmaster at riversidechoral.org) 

Copyright ©2000 - 2008 by Riverside Choral Society, all rights  reserved.
Copyright ©2000 - 2008 Website Design by _Kathy Geary _ 
(mailto:kgeary at cloud9.net) . 

Last Updated:  11/18/08  

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