[Fredslist] [PROMO] All the latest on the environment - warnings and humor

David Alexander MyEmail2 at OpalComputing.com
Fri Nov 14 13:02:16 EST 2008

Good day.  Let me lead, like a good public speaker, with some quick and easy
<http://www.planetthoughts.org/?pg=pt/Whole&qid=2571> but brilliant (video)
humor.  In case the election lead up of just 2 years got a bit intense,
these can help you unwind.  But the Web site is primarily composed of
hard-hitting, researched, and highly-relevant information about the world we
are living in.
Regarding the environment and our societal culture, we have a wide range of
articles that are scientific
<http://www.planetthoughts.org/?pg=pt/Whole&qid=2564> , policy
<http://www.planetthoughts.org/?pg=pt/Whole&qid=2569> , economic
<http://www.planetthoughts.org/?pg=pt/Whole&qid=2560> , and morality /
<http://www.planetthoughts.org/?pg=pt/Whole&qid=2572> values focused.
Authors, videographers, and interviewees include Derrick Jensen, Al Gore,
Janaia Donaldson, Harvey Wasserman, and... myself, as well as other media
sources of all kinds.  By the way - our PlanetThoughts.org
<http://www.PlanetThoughts.org>  articles are now found on Reuters and other
major media.
David Alexander
Opal Computing
(718) 343-4054
http://www.opalcomputing.com <http://www.opalcomputing.com/> 
    Now! Visit http://www.PlanetThoughts.org
<http://www.planetthoughts.org/>  to
    raise your awareness, discuss, and act on the
    current crises in the planet's environment
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