[Fredslist] Paranormal Lunch... stories and Halloween fun!

Teri Bloom teribloom at mac.com
Tue Nov 4 21:14:50 EST 2008

For those Gothamites who were dying to attend the Paranormal Luncheon  
on Halloween but couldn't make it... well, you missed out on some good  
ole' fun!

"Fred-dracula" welcomed everyone by saying "let your freak flag fly"  
and for sure, we all did... Hope you will enjoy the attached photos  
taken by Fred and Elizabeth Marner-Brooks... Fred dressed up as  
Dracula, one Gothamite wore a Venetian half-mask that could have been  
worn in an opera, one costumed as FDR with spectacles and a cigarillo  
and another arrived in an elegant red floor length cloak.

Here's some of what we shared-- apologies for any inaccuracies in  
recounting these stories, as its hard to remember all the details:

One person shared having a near death experience and when faced with  
the prospect of following the tunnel the the white light, she decided  
to re-join her friends gathered around her body because she could feel  
their warmth and love for her...

One attendee had mysterious items showing up in her apartment out of  
nowhere, and felt a spirit brushing her cheek ... and by verbally  
acknowledging the spirits she felt were present in her apartment, she  
asked them to leave and they stopped interfering with her life... she  
also spoke of her studies with native-americans and her knowledge of  

Another guest believes in Karma and knows that indirectly she helped  
save three people's lives and understands this was a spiritual miracle  
she was involved in...

One of our favorite Gothamites noticed how at home she felt while  
visiting many European cities, and baffling as it seemed, she feels  
that she had lived in these cities in previous lifetimes because of  
the level of "feeling at home" while visiting them... this is a very  
common experience I've heard from many other friends, you may have  
experienced this yourselves when visiting somewhere else!

One told a story of a childhood friend who had coke-bottle sized  
glasses and then one day, he fell off his bike and hit his head.    
This child had a spontaneous healing and immediately never needed his  
glasses again. Another member told us about receiving a personal and  
very special letter from his grandfather which arrived months after  
his grandfather had died... Coming so many months later, this member  
found his grandfather's heartfelt words both wonderful and comforting.

A guest told us about her reiki practice and her "Angels" practice at  
the Deepak Chopra Center here in NYC... she's been certified to  
communicate with a client's angels.   She can tell you who your  
personal  angels are and what their messages are for you. Another  
guest is a magnificent architect & energy healer, and she combines  
healing energy  in her project designs and renovations which establish  
a sort of  permanent environment full of healing energy.  This healer  
has helped me, and many friends, with healing both visible and  
invisible problems and I can whole-heartedly endorse this healer as  
someone who indeed  does heal physical, emotional and karmic issues,  
as well as award-winning architecture.

"Fredracula" who was dressed in a cape for the occasion, spoke about   
how he actively uses his intuition on a regular basis and how he knew  
that when his son was born,  that the nurse had  pointed out the wrong  
baby in the nursery... Fred knew this wasn't his son intuitively!    
Fred also spoke of meeting "his double", a man  from Algeria who  
looked exactly like him... and another time he was  sick as a dog but  
wanted to run the NYC Marathon and ran & finished it feeling perfectly  
healthy -- then immediately relapsed to being sick in bed.  A miracle  
had allowed him to complete the marathon despite being so sick he  
couldn't really even get out of bed.

Another guest is a wonderful computer artist and shaman who loves to  
create intuitive "soul portraits" of people... he has found that often  
the items he intuitively puts in his portraits end up having  
significance in these people's lives and once his portrait had the  
effect of saving a person's life.

I shared my experience of my grandmother contacting me three months  
after she had died. Basically she had a severe stroke and never   
formally said goodbye before she died... Three months later while I   
was falling asleep, I got an incredible feeling of love and peace  
filling my body and then in my mind's eye I was filled with white  
light like you see when you're flying through clouds... Into my mind
popped my grandmother's face and she said "you know how much I love  
you" and then her face disappeared and also the incredibly beautiful  
feeling and white light disappeared in an instant. The next day, my   
pal called me up and said "did you hear from your grandmother last   
night?... I lit some candles and knew she would visit you"...

Other mentions were made of:  "remote viewing" techniques, someone  
receiving an inheritance he never knew of on his 35th birthday... and  
a very unusual connection between a gothamite and a senior neighbor  
who had known the original builder of his house... and then finding  
out that this woman wore a necklace given to her by HIS uncle.

We all agreed with Fred that the Paranormal Group was alot of fun &  
should meet every Halloween to share more wonderful experiences and  
stories.... and in the meantime, for anyone who's interested in
knowing more about any of these things, please let Gotham know and  
we're happy to share more.  Many of us have a referrals for healers,  
medical intuitives, angel communicators, reiki-masters, alternative  
medical doctors, massage therapists and whomever else you might need.   
Please just let us know if you need "paranormal" support in any way,  
be it for something frivolous and fun, or to solve something you  
really need help with.

Thanks Fred and Gotham for creating such a fun luncheon for us!

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