[Fredslist] Thanks for the Votes and more good news

Anthony Cavallaro ac at egabstract.com
Mon Mar 24 11:11:37 EDT 2008

Dear Gotham Family

I just wanted to thank everyone who voted for my daughters video "Cooties" as of Friday it won Best Comedy Video of the year on Yahoo. Comedy Central is working on a deal with the man who produced it to air it on their network. 
The other Great News that I wanted to share with The Tribe is that Gothams Little Talent Alissa Cavallaro was selected to perform at the World Famous Apollo Theater for Amateur Night on May 28th. If anyone would like more info about this event please let me know. 

Thanks again for the help and support. I am so thankful to be a part of this family. 
Anthony Cavallaro

Empire General Abstract
Nationwide Title Solutions
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