[Fredslist] April 7 Meeting

Gerald Goldhaber geraldgoldhaber at yahoo.com
Thu Mar 20 17:25:39 EDT 2008

Fellow Experts:  It's official now.  I have arranged for a top litigator, Alice Spitz of the law firm of Molod, Spitz and DeSantis to meet with us at our next meeting on April 7 at 12:30pm.  She will lead our discussion on preparing the expert witness both for the deposition and the cross-examination at trial.  Please bring your own war stories, comments and questions.  It will be a dynamite luncheon meeting not be missed.  As usual, we meet at Fabio Piccolo Fiore's (230 E. 44th between 2nd and 3rd Ave.).  Please RSVP to me if you haven't already done so and thanks to Dan Schaefer for introducing me to Alice Spitz.  Long range planning:  Our May meeting will be on Wednesday, MAY 14 at the FRIARS CLUB (12:30PM, 57 E. 55th between Park and Madison). We have to meet on Wednesday, their meeting date and at the Friars Club to accommodate what promises to be a large crowd.   It will be a joint meeting with Gotham's Lawyer's Group.  Your chance to iinteract with a bunch of lawyers
 and their chance to meet our experts.  See you on April 7.  Dr. Gerry Goldhaber

Gerald M. Goldhaber, Ph.D.
President and CEO
800 6th Avenue, Suite 26G
New York, NY 10001
(212)379-6661 (O)
(917)279-2303 (Cell)
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