[Fredslist] Fw: Service Suspended Into and Out of Grand Central Mar-04-08 15:23:53

Dana Charlton dcharlton at kleinzelman.com
Tue Mar 4 15:51:06 EST 2008

Dana Charlton
Klein Zelman Rothermel LLP
(212) 935-6020, ext. 212
dcharlton at kleinzelman.com
----- Forwarded by Dana Charlton/KZRD on 03/04/2008 03:50 PM -----
             WebAdvisory at MNR.O                                             
             03/04/2008 03:24          DCHARLTON at KZRD.COM                  
             PM                                                         cc 
                                       Service Suspended Into and Out of   
                                       Grand Central Mar-04-08 15:23:53    


Hudson, Harlem and New Haven Line train service has been temporarily
suspended into and out of Grand Central Terminal because of a building
collapse in the vicinity of 124 Street and Park Avenue.

We will continue to update you as the situation changes.

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