[Fredslist] Gotham Gives Back: Gives Blood FAQs

Ester Horowitz m2powerinc at bigplanet.com
Thu Jul 24 19:11:48 EDT 2008

Dear Gothamites,


Due to the misinterpretation and misinformation flying around

First let's be clear about when you can't give blood:




Antibiotics until treatment is complete

Accutane, Proscar, and Propecia  one month after taking last dose

Advodart  six month after taking last dose

Soriatane three years after taking last dose

Coumadin 14 days after taking last dose


Temporary reason non-invasive with time lines


Not feeling well until symptoms are over

Colds, sore throat, respiratory infection, flu until symptoms free 3 days

Travel to certain areas where Malaria may be present, but it depends
specifically on the exact locations

            Contact 1800 688-0900 and give them your exact location for

Certain cases of heart disease not all, contact 1800 688-0900 to determine


Temporary reason invasive with timelines


Ear, nose, or skin piercing 12 months after procedure was done unless in a
sterile environment

Tatoos, 12 month after application unless it is in NJ then no time limits

Blood Transfusion 12 months after receiving blood

Pregnancy, abortion, or miscarriage 6 week after pregnancy

Surgery or injury 6 weeks after healing is complete and you are feeling well

Syphilis, gonorrhea 12 months after treatment is complete

Certain forms , not all forms of cancer, contact 1800 688-0900 to determine
which and clearance

Sex with someone that had viral hepatitis 1 year after last occurrence

Sex with someone that had any of the above listed temporary reasons 12
months after last incidence


 Permanent Reason not to give blood:


Used illegal drugs with needles even once

Homosexual encounters even once since 1977

Are a hemophiliac

Tested positive for HIV (AIDS)

Receiving money for sex or drugs since 1977


Had viral hepatitis or tested positive for it any time after your 11th

Had Babesiosis or Chagas disease

Have taken Tegison for psoriasis

Have CJD or have a blood relative with it

Had a corneal transplant



Most people with diabetes and people who have been on other medications can
give blood safely

If in doubt call 1800 688-0900 for confirmation





Warmest Regards

Ester Horowitz


516 409-0849

888 609-6828


"Some men see things as they are and say why?

I see things that never were and say why not?"

-George Bernard Shaw-



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