[Fredslist] Fw: Andrea Nierenberg's Tip of the Month for July

Fred Klein fklein at kleinzelman.com
Mon Jul 14 12:06:52 EDT 2008

The attached from Email member Andrea Nierenberg has some good tips.  Take
a look.

Fred C. Klein
Klein Zelman Rothermel LLP
485 Madison Avenue, 15th Floor
New York, NY 10022
(212) 935-6020
fklein at legal.org
----- Forwarded by Fred Klein/KZRD on 07/14/2008 12:03 PM -----
             Andrea Nierenberg                                             
             <andrean at selfmark                                             
             eting.com>                                                 To 
                                       fklein at gothamnetworking.com         
             07/11/2008 11:01                                           cc 
                                       Andrea Nierenberg's Tip of the      
             Please respond to         Month for July                      
             andrean at selfmarke                                             

      (Embedded image moved to file:                                                                                      
 If you have trouble reading this e-mail,                                                                                 
                   go to                                                                                                  
                                           THE NIERENBERG GROUP                                                           
                                           Tip of the Month                                                               
               Now  Available                                                                                             
                                           July 2008                                                                      
       (Embedded image moved to file:                                                                                     
               pic01869.jpg)               What's Happening on THE NIERENBLOG today? Click Here to Find                   
  Great customer service never goes out of                                                                                
  style, yet sometimes we may forget that                Persistence Pays Off - Be Patient                                
     our best customer or client is our                                                                                   
        competitor's best prospect.        When I was selling advertising space years ago, one of my                      
                                           contacts suggested I get in touch with Bob Drucker, who was                    
                                           then responsible for the advertising at a major printing                       
                Get It NOW!                company. I wrote notes, cards, called; nothing seemed to                       
                   NEW !                   work, even with the introduction from a mutual friend.                         
                                           I decided to keep up my "campaign" and continued to "check                     
       (Embedded image moved to file:      in" and did not give up.                                                       
                                           Finally about twenty cards, numerous calls and even an                         
                                           anniversary card, he reluctantly agreed to meet me for coffee                  
            Click above to see!            at a trade show.  Now, of course, I could have also set up                     
          Million Dollar Networking        "google alerts" which I call our modern day clipping service                   
                                           to keep on his radar screen...                                                 
       (Embedded image moved to file:      To this day, many years later, Bob continues to be one of my                   
               pic25667.jpg)               good friends and clients.                                                      
                                           It makes me always realize to never give up - there might                      
                                           just be some potential somewhere down the road.                                
           Learn More & Order Now          Here is some sales and relationship advice given to me by one                  
              Networking Tools             of my mentors:                                                                 
     Watch Andrea Nierenberg In Action                                                                                    
   Watch The "Queen of Networking" on AM         Do what you say you are going to do - over deliver and                   
                 Canada TV                       follow through                                                           
  Land that First Great Job after College        Return ALL calls and emails that ask for a response                      
  Networking Tools to Close Your Next Big        Treat everyone you meet with respect and courtesy. A                     
                   Deal.                         person’s position in life should have absolutely                         
  Networking Tools to Close Your Next Big        nothing to do with how you interact with them. Remember                  
                   Deal.                         "what goes around comes around."                                         
   SpeakersTravel.net Your Online Travel         Be visible - get involved and go to professional                         
                   Agent                         meetings, receptions and associations.                                   
       (Embedded image moved to file:            When you meet people, be mindful-look them in the eye,                   
               pic26299.jpg)                     smile, be personable and listen.                                         
                                                 Be sensitive to body language and remember that 55% of                   
                                                 our communication is visual.                                             
                                                 Remember the great lessons we learned from our parents                   
                                                 - say "thank you". It still amazes me how few people                     
                                                 invest the time to express gratitude for a favor or a                    
                                                 job well done. Always remember that people don’t have                    
                                                 to do anything for us. They do it because they want to.                  
                                                 Develop your "thank you" style that is flexible and                      
                                                 works for you and then make this professional courtesy                   
                                                 an everyday habit.                                                       
                                           Here is my favorite quote of the month:                                        
                                           "Take the high road, there is always less traffic on it!"                      
                                           Look for my new book:  Savvy Networking: 118 Fast and                          
                                           Effective Tips for Business Success!                                           
                                                                   All the best!                                          
                                                      (Embedded image moved to file: pic17035.jpg)                        
                                           P.S. Feel free to contact me at andrean at selfmarketing.com or                   
                                                     visit my website at www.selfmarketing.com                            
                                                   (Embedded image moved to file: pic09894.jpg)                           

        Forward email                                                       
        (Embedded image moved to file: pic28703.gif)Safe Unsubscribe        
        This email was sent to fklein at gothamnetworking.com, by              
        andrean at selfmarketing.com                                           
        Update Profile/Email Address | Instant removal with SafeUnsubscribe 
        ™ | Privacy Policy.                                                 
                                                                    ng by   
        The Nierenberg Group | 420 E. 51st Street | Suite 12 D | New York | 
        NY | 10022                                                          

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