[Fredslist] Diversity Circuit Ride

Jack Halpern jhalpern at myelderadvocate.com
Fri Jul 11 14:28:55 EDT 2008

Thank you Scott for your great comments. At this week's Diversity  
Group Lunch we had twelve members and twenty three guests. Although it  
was noisy, we had some great networking going on. Fred, the ultimate  
MC moved things along so well that we had plenty of time to network  
while enjoying the great food. Raj Goel gave us a great presentation  
on LinkedIn. Although he had to be brief he imparted much information.  
Besides being an alumnus of the BOSTON 17, Raj is an amazing person  
and Gothamite. I've heard him speak many times and always walked away  
with a lot of information. He and his company, Brainlink is an  
absolutely necessary commodity in the world of IT and Data Security.  
If you don't use him you don't have the best.

Our meeting officially ended at 2:00 P.M., but there were still  
members and guests at Sidecar at 3:20 when I left. One guest reported  
that she set up four appointments. Diversity is an exciting and ever  
growing group. Our next meeting is Tuesday, August 19, 2008, back at  
the Friars Club. Save the date.

Warm wishes,


On Jul 9, 2008, at 1:05 PM, Scott Bloom wrote:

> Are you like me?
> Is rare for me to meet more than a few Gothamites (and/or guests)  
> that I don't already know.
> Yesterday's Diversity Group lunch (highlighted by Raj Goel's expert  
> advice around Linked-In.....stay tuned for Gotham Linked-In Group!)  
> was so full of people you HAD to meet that the room (delicious, but  
> loud-Sidecar) was still full and buzzing at 2:30pm.
> The guests felt the same way, apparently, as they took all 6  
> applications that Jack Halpern brought with him.
> Kudos to Diversity for exemplary guest inviting and incentive to  
> Ride The Circuit!
> Scott Bloom - Blackberry #917-327-2109
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Jack Halpern, CEO
My Elder Advocate
jhalpern at myelderadvocate.com



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