[Fredslist] Neurologist in Boca Raton Area Needed

Rona Gura ronagura at yahoo.com
Fri Jul 11 10:22:06 EDT 2008

Hi all-

  This is a personal request. My parents live in Boca Raton, Florida. About 4 years ago, my Mother was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease. She has deteriorated very rapidly within the past 2 months to the point where she cannot walk and her speech is extremely slurred. 

  The neurologist my Mother has been seeing does not inspire confidence in myself or my sister and brother, i.e. leaving messages on my Father's answering machine such as "Don't tell my colleagues I said this but my opinion is. . ."  The condescending attitude he takes with us and my cousin who is a neurologist in Philadelphia is equally disturbing.

 The latest course of suggested treatment- sending my Mom home from the rehab facility even though she cannot walk because a familiar environment may be helpful to her- is troubling on so many levels. Does anyone have a personal relationship with a neurologist or a neuro-surgeon in that area who they believe would be willing to talk to me or my father?

Thanks Gotham! Rona

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