[Fredslist] Gotham Job Seeker

Fred Klein fklein at kleinzelman.com
Thu Jul 10 10:13:55 EDT 2008

A well regarded member of Gotham is seeking a managerial position in
outreach, activism and sales in the non-profit environmental health or
energy sectors in NY. He has been an "action advocate" for the environment
for the last 20 years working with organizations like NYPIRG and Sierra
Club, and as a member of NRDC, Environmental Defense and the Nature
Conservancy. His focus has always been working to benefit the planet and
protect the world in which we live.

Over the years, his focus and mission in life became one of also protecting
the health of people and particularly children. He is known for tying his
personal story of using his positive attitude and unwillingness to fail to
battle and conquer cancer to the mission of environmental protection,
global warming prevention and the future health of our children.

He is inspirational in networking, outreach and sales and always says,
“Every time I think of my three children, and the generations to come, my
energy and focus on protecting their world and their health grows

Examples of organizations he is interested in making contact with are:

Environmental Defense
Sierra Club
League of Conservation Voters
Clinton Global Initiative or Climate Initiative
Earth Institute at Columbia University

Who do you know who might know someone for him to speak with in seeking new
employment? Let me know. I'll pass it along.  Thanks.

Fred C. Klein
Klein Zelman Rothermel LLP
485 Madison Avenue, 15th Floor
New York, NY 10022
(212) 935-6020
fklein at legal.org
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