[Fredslist] Happy Green New Year!

David Marks Green Action Advocate david at greenactionadvocate.com
Tue Dec 30 17:20:26 EST 2008

Happy Green New Year,
As this year winds down to an end, I wanted to take the time to say how
lucky I feel to have worked with you, gotten to know you, shared stories
with you and connected on the need to make our world a greener place for
ourselves and our children. 2009 looks to be an historic year with a new
greener President and government and with the beginning of a new green
economy that will benefit everyone and every living creature on this
planet for many generations to come. I look forward to working with you
and traveling down that long and winding road to make it a true success
for all.   
Best Regards and a Happy Healthy Green New Year to You and Yours!
David L. Marks 
Green Action Advocate
david@ <mailto:david at greenactionadvocate.com> greenactionadvocate.com
c: 516-850-8508
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