[Fredslist] Federal $$ for your Not-For-Profit Organizations

Joel Schnur joel at schnurassociates.com
Mon Dec 22 11:24:29 EST 2008

Dear Gothamites:


All of us seem to be involved in numerous charitable and philanthropic
endeavors. While I have brought millions of dollars to clients and others in
the not-for-profit sector I am only registered as a lobbyist in NYC and NYS.
Logistics (wife, kids, grandkids and a house in Brooklyn) limit my doing so
on the federal level. Hence, I partner with an amazing fellow in DC and he
brings home the bacon-uh, kosher pastrami-in even larger amounts.


Therefore, I would like to bring the following information to all of you
about potential funding opportunities from Uncle Sam but you must act
quickly and submit your applications before the end of February.


The Congressional appropriations process starts in earnest in mid-January.
Don't be shut out of the hundreds of billions of federal dollars that the
Congress provides to non-profits every year through "Member line-item
earmarks."  Non-profits who wait too long to get into the game will be "shut
out" if they delay much past February, as most appropriation subcommittees
require Members of Congress to submit funding requests by the end of


My DC-based lobbying partner is Paul Marcone & Associates, LLC, a government
relations firm based in Northern Virginia that specializes in securing
federal funding and performing policy advocacy work for a wide range of
non-profit institutions, faith-based organizations, social service
organizations and private companies.  Paul Marcone & Associates' team of
talented professionals has more than 60 years of Capitol Hill and federal
government experience.

Their specialty is working with organizations, large and small, that have
traditionally not pursued federal funding or public policy advocacy
inititatives, and crafting winning strategies to achieve success at the
federal level.

For a free consultation, if you mention my name, call Paul Marcone at: main:
703-835-9027 or cell: 571-338-2346. You can also contact him by email at
paul at paulmarconellc.com.


With all best wishes for Happy Holidays and an even better New Year.


Joel Schnur




Joel Schnur

Senior VP

Government Affairs/Public Relations

Schnur Associates, Inc.

1350 Avenue of the Americas

Suite 1200

New York, NY 10019


Tel. 212-489-0600 x204

Fax. 212-489-0203 

 <mailto:joel at schnurassociates.com> joel at schnurassociates.com 



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