[Fredslist] Fwd: K@W December 10, 2008

Adrian Miller amiller at adrianmiller.com
Thu Dec 11 07:02:23 EST 2008

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Here's the latest edition with full info on how to subscribe etc.


Begin forwarded message:

> From: Knowledge at Wharton <knowledge at wharton.upenn.edu>
> Date: December 11, 2008 1:05:18 AM EST
> To: amiller at adrianmiller.com
> Subject: K at W December 10, 2008
> Reply-To: Knowledge at Wharton <knowledge at wharton.upenn.edu>
> This email was delivered to the following address:  
> amiller at adrianmiller.com
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> Homepage
> Dec 10 - Dec 23
> What's Hot
> Bailout or Bankruptcy? How to Get the Auto Industry Back on Track
> On December 9, Congress and the White House reached an "agreement  
> in concept" on a $15 billion bailout plan for General Motors and  
> Chrysler, the conditions of which still need to be negotiated.  
> While the proposed loans would give the Detroit automakers some  
> breathing room, legislators and auto executives remain under  
> enormous pressure to come up with a plan to resolve the industry's  
> deep structural and management problems. Wharton faculty and other  
> experts discuss the merits of the bailout proposal and what the  
> potential alternative -- bankruptcy -- could mean.
> http://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/article/2115.cfm
> Real Estate
> (Podcast with Transcript)
> The Son Also Rises: Donald Trump, Jr., on Real Estate Opportunities  
> in Emerging Markets
> Back in the heady days of the real estate boom, property prices in  
> New York City soared along with those in the rest of the U.S. When  
> the subprime mortgage crisis hit and prices collapsed, the city's  
> market held out longer than others -- for two reasons. First, it is  
> a major financial center with strong demand; and second, the weak  
> dollar made it possible for international buyers and investors to  
> find deals at discounts as high as 40%. Where will the New York  
> market be in 2009? Where are the most attractive deals to be found  
> in emerging markets? In a podcast recorded at the Knowledge at Wharton  
> Real Estate Forum on Emerging Markets on December 2, Donald Trump,  
> Jr., executive vice president of development and acquisitions at  
> the Trump Organization, speaks about those questions and more. He  
> also discusses how he views his unique contribution to expanding  
> the Trump brand overseas, building on the foundation laid by his  
> famous father.	
> http://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/article/2113.cfm
> Leadership and Change
> CEOs and Market Woes: Is Poor Corporate Governance to Blame?
> Many shareholder advocates see the financial collapse and resulting  
> economic woes as stunning proof of their long-held claim that too  
> often the wrong people are in charge of top corporations -- and  
> that attacking this problem demands an overhaul in corporate- 
> governance regulations. But not everyone sees governance as the  
> culprit, and some warn that a kneejerk attack on established  
> corporate practices could backfire.	
> http://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/article/2114.cfm
> Finance and Investment
> Do the SEC's New Rating Agency Rules Have Any Bite?
> When the Securities and Exchange Commission approved tighter  
> regulations for credit rating agencies on December 3, the new rules  
> were applauded by the agencies -- whose positive reviews of  
> subprime securitizations contributed to the credit crisis. But  
> reform advocates were disappointed. The changes fell far short of  
> remedies initially proposed by the SEC in June and endorsed by the  
> Financial Economists Roundtable, a group of top economists that  
> includes several Wharton professors. By omitting two critical  
> elements of the June proposal, the SEC pulled the teeth that would  
> have made regulations effective, according to the FER.	
> http://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/article/2112.cfm
> Finance and Investment
> The Financial Crisis Reaches a New Arena: Professional Sports
> For decades, sports have existed in a protective bubble. Even in  
> recessions, fans could be counted on to keep buying tickets to  
> games and keep beefing up the huge television audiences that draw  
> top dollar from advertisers. But the current recession seems to be  
> bursting the bubble. Says Wharton professor Eric Bradlow:  
> "Advertising revenue is down. Corporate boxes and corporate  
> sponsorships are going to be down. There's no question the  
> [financial crisis] is going to affect the economics of the sports  
> industry."	
> http://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/article/2109.cfm
> Finance and Investment
> To Be a Successful Entrepreneur in Africa, 'Wake up Every Day Ready  
> for Change'
> After centuries of colonialism and despite bloody civil wars and  
> turmoil in some of its nations, Africa has the potential to be  
> counted among the emerging markets poised to offer outsized returns  
> for foreign investment, according to investors and entrepreneurs at  
> Wharton's recent Africa Business Forum. Still, they caution,  
> transitional or ill-defined regulatory frameworks pose significant  
> downside risk to doing business there. Their suggestion: Look  
> beyond the news reports.	
> http://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/article/2108.cfm
> Marketing
> The Mall Pall: Have America's Biggest Shopping Centers Lost Their  
> Allure?
> While shopping malls once epitomized America's consumer society,  
> new Wharton research suggests that these days, shoppers find the  
> mall environment predictable and uninspiring, plus it's hard to  
> park and there aren't enough restaurants. The research, conducted  
> by Wharton's Jay H. Baker Retailing Initiative and The Verde Group,  
> offers mall developers some suggestions on how they can respond to  
> consumer complaints -- without spending a lot of money.	
> http://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/article/2111.cfm
> Real Estate
> For Modern Urban Growth, Don't Forget the Ballpark and River Walk
> Can urban amenities -- like ballparks, aquariums and river walks --  
> help stabilize U.S. cities and improve their economic outlooks? A  
> new paper by Wharton real estate professor Albert Saiz and a  
> colleague quantifies the importance of leisure amenities but also  
> provides evidence that spending public dollars on leisure and  
> cultural activities may offer more long-range benefit than  
> traditional economic development focused on job creation. "For the  
> last 50 years, we have been trying to bring businesses to cities,"  
> says Saiz, "but maybe it makes more sense to get people in there --  
> and the businesses will follow."	
> http://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/article/2110.cfm
> _________________________________________________________________
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> For Wharton students and alumni all around the world, join the  
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Adrian Miller Sales Training
516-445-1135 (cell)



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"What if we train them and they leave? What if we don't train them  
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