[Fredslist] Gil Elmaleh-Young, Energetic, Bright--Oh, How I Remember Those days!

Joel Schnur joel at schnurassociates.com
Wed Dec 10 16:43:35 EST 2008

Along The Network:


For all of us who are involved in NYC politics/government and even some who
aren't, the words Tammany Hall and its best known politico, George
Washington Plunkitt, conjure up many images and phrases (and if you don't
know what I am talking about you should do a Google search).


For me, the  words "I Seen My Opportunities and I Took 'Em" always come to
mind. Of course, as a corrupt political boss,  Plunkitt was talking about
what he referred to as "honest graft"  (no, as far as I know, the Illinois
governor is not related to him) and other such "activities." Nonetheless,
all of us in business and especially in a networking organization such as
Gotham, are always looking for  a chance to meet and develop new


So I seized the opportunity to meet with Gil Elmaleh right after the Bambe
Marketing Group's luncheon last week and I am glad I did.  Over light drinks
and with a lot of kibbutzing, we talked about our respective career paths,
families and potential synergies. Gil sells insurance, which to me has
always been one of those boring but necessary subjects. As I always leave
the family finances to my older son who has been in the field for the last
11 years, I got interested but lost when he started explain how rich people
can set up some sort of trusts that benefit themselves-tax wise, their heirs
AND some of the not-for-profits that I represent. Maybe I will understand it
better the second time 'round or just have my kid talk to him, directly.


Gil initially reached out to me after one of the fredslist postings that I
sent around regarding The Brain Tumor Foundation and its activities. He was
thinking of a connection potential for one of his medical clients, I asked
about an Elmaleh I once worked with 20 years ago in the Koch
administration-turned out to maybe be a distant cousin-and we discussed the
Hebrew meaning of his Sephardic family name. We later met while he was
riding the circuit to my Commerce Group and again at Marketing. 


One never knows where these Gotham trails lead.


Oh yes, one more thing. He is always immaculately dressed, so I herby
nominate him for best-dressed Gothamite.


All the best.





Joel Schnur

Senior VP

Government Affairs/Public Relations

Schnur Associates, Inc.

1350 Avenue of the Americas

Suite 1200

New York, NY 10019


Tel. 212-489-0600 x204

Fax. 212-489-0203 

joel at schnurassociates.com 




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