[Fredslist] [promo] PlanetThoughts.org Weekly Environmental Update

David Alexander MyEmail2 at OpalComputing.com
Fri Dec 5 13:45:36 EST 2008

Good day!  More information and philosophy is presented to you this week at
PlanetThoughts.org <http://www.PlanetThoughts.org> .  Remember that you can
also sign up <https://www.planetthoughts.org/?pg=per/PersonDetail&id=0>
there and make comments and received more detailed information in the
broadcasts from the Web site, about 3 or 4 per month.
This week, some major, important improvements in photovoltaic efficiency and
implementation were announced - but they still need to be moved from lab to
commercial production.  There is also a discussion about the use of risk as
a  <http://www.planetthoughts.org/?pg=pt/Whole&qid=2601> factor in
evaluating responses to climate change, a video talk about the stolen
<http://www.planetthoughts.org/?pg=pt/Whole&qid=2605> election of 2004 and
how it effects energy management, news on who in the
<http://www.planetthoughts.org/?pg=pt/Whole&qid=2599> environmental world
has spoken with Obama, and much more.
Follow your favorite topics - in the course of each week, you will find just
about every major topic on environment, energy, biodiversity, and
sustainable living, covered at PlanetThoughts.org
David Alexander
Opal Computing
(718) 343-4054
http://www.opalcomputing.com <http://www.opalcomputing.com/> 
    Now! Visit http://www.PlanetThoughts.org
<http://www.planetthoughts.org/>  to
    raise your awareness, discuss, and act on the
    current crises in the planet's environment
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