[Fredslist] Book News and Upcoming Reading

Leonardo Novik leonovik at doragroup.net
Tue Dec 2 09:23:58 EST 2008

Hello Gothamites,


My wife Idra Novey just published her first book of poems, The Next Country,
and I wanted to invite all of you to her reading next Thursday, the 11th,
with Pulitzer Prize winning poet Yusef Komunyakaa.  To read more about the
book and the starred review it just received in Publisher's Weekly, below
are the book's listings on Amazon and Barnes and Noble as well as the
information for the reading next Thursday in Brooklyn.  It would be
wonderful to see some of you there!



Leonardo Novik


Thursday, December 11th at 7pm

Chin Music Series with Yusef Komunyakaa and Idra Novey

Pacific Standard Bar
82 Fourth Avenue
Brooklyn , NY
(between St. Marks and Bergen Streets)


Book Listings:

?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1228226262&sr=8-1> &s=books&qid=1228226262&sr=8-1





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