[Fredslist] seeking film-industry publicist & publicity intern

Teri Bloom teribloom at mac.com
Mon Aug 25 19:16:24 EDT 2008

Hi Gotham!

A film-maker friend is looking for a publicist who specializes in the  
film and documentary industries to do PR work for her documentary.   
Film industry and documentary experience are a must, as obviously the  
correct connections are vital for publicizing a film.  Film already  
accepted in two festivals.

She's also looking for a younger publicity person who would work for  
free an intern to gain experience in the film and documentary  
field.    This person would handle media inquiries, requests for  
information and help out as much as possible with this documentary as  
its shown in upcoming festivals.  Certainly a part-time gig, maybe  
would take a few hours a week.

Film-maker is an accomplished author and there are good connections to  
be made by working on this project.
Please send me any contact info and I will forward it to my friend.
Many thanks to all!

Teri Bloom Photography Inc.

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