[Fredslist] Tennis fans ... More US Open tickets available ...

Susan Spelman ss at spelmanstrategic.com
Wed Aug 20 12:25:38 EDT 2008

My friend is selling 3 pairs, all evening matches, 7 p.m.  ... All at  
Ashe ... Upper Prom  Box 306   Row N  Seats 15-16

1.  This Monday evening the 25th ... $60 each ....

2.   Friday the 29th ... $75 each.

and ...

3.  Wednesday, September 3  ... $150 each

> Please call directly:  Deirdre McGowan .... Office:  212  
> 983.1800 .... Cell:   203.536.8600 ... Or email deirdre.mcgowan at roberthalf.com 
> .
> Her office is right by Grand Central .... or you can do a check,  
> etc. ... You can figure it out.

If you've never been to an evening match, it's totally awesome.

First come, first served.


Susan Spelman

Spelman Strategic Communications

voice	212 475-3653
mobile	646 554-6828
fax 		212 475-6905

ss at spelmanstrategic.com

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